Dakota State University
College of Education  



Name: __Jayne Peterson_________

Grade Level: __10th-12th______

Date: __12/7/11_________ 

Time: _10:42 a.m.-11:26 a.m.____



Reflection from prior lesson:

The lesson continued on “Buying A Car”, and students were given a worksheet to complete by the end of class.  The worksheet included questions over key terms, and about insuring and financing a car.


Lesson Goal(s) / Standards:  

NBEA (National Business Education Association)

V. Buying Goods and Services
Achievement Standard: Apply a decision-making model to maximize consumer satisfaction when buying goods and services.


Lesson Objectives:

Students will be given a rubric to follow and will have time ask questions and complete the assignment in class.

Students must follow the rubric correctly, which involves picking out a realistic car to buy, finding the trade-in value for a car already owned, and a calculating the monthly loan according to their information.  This must be competed in class, and will be a participation grade.

The final assignment (a Word document) must be completed, printed off before the end of class, and turned in with the student’s name on it.  This must be completed with 80% accuracy and according to the rubric.


Materials Needed: 

Rubric and Computer


Contextual Factors/ Learner Characteristics:

Period 4 does not have any freshman, and is mostly made up of juniors and seniors.  There is a nice mix between boys and girls, but it is a large class, usually about 24 or 25 students.  There are a few students who have trouble staying on task, and some that will give up right away.  It usually takes the class a few minutes to settle down and pay attention, but once they are on-task, they do quite well with lessons. 


A.  The Lesson 


1.       Introduction (6 minutes)

·         I will receive the students’ attention by having them log out of the computers and look at me.  I then will introduce myself, and let the class know what we are doing today.

·         I will ask students how many actually own their own car, drive, and pay gas for their car.

·         I will explain that we will actually be buying a car today, and tell them that they need to choose a realistic car to buy.

·         I will show them my final document on the projected screen, and tell them to use a table and insert pictures of their cars. 

·         I will tell them to follow the rubric and ask either Mrs. Quail or me if they have any questions.


2.       Content Delivery (40 minutes)  

a.        Students will be given the majority of the class period to work on their assignment, and to follow the rubric.

b.       During the work time, I will be walking around the classroom to make sure students are staying on track and answer any questions or add comments to discussion.

c.        I will demonstrate with the projection screen to show students how to use the trade-in value website if there are questions or concerns on the website.

d.       I will make any necessary adjustments as needed throughout the work time.



3.       Closure (2 minutes)  

a.        Remind students to turn in their final word document by the end of class

b.       Explain the importance of making a realistic car purchase, because it is rather difficult to make a high car payment every month when you are out of school, paying for rent, gas, groceries, bills, etc.

c.        Ask students what the most surprising thing they learned after finding out how much a car costs each month. 


B. Assessments Used

Students must follow the rubric correctly, which involves picking out a realistic car to buy, finding the trade-in value for a car already owned, and a calculating the monthly loan according to their information.  This must be competed in class, and will be a participation grade.

The final assignment (a Word document) must be completed, printed off before the end of class, and turned in with the student’s name on it.  This must be completed with 80% accuracy and according to the rubric.



C. Differentiated Instruction 

I will use the projector to project an image of what the final assignment should relatively look like, and I will verbally explain how to do the assignment.  Students will have directions on their rubric, so they can follow the steps according to their own speed and ability level. 


D.  Resources



Websites for students to utilize:


